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BH Fastac FLIM system

Photon counting specialist Becker Hickl’s BH Fastac (fast acquisition) FLIM system works in combination with Zeiss’ LSM 880 NLO multiphoton laser scanning microscopes. The Fastac system is based on the fast distribution of the photon pulses of one PMH-100-06 hybrid detector into four parallel TCSPC FLIM channels. The principle strongly reduces counting loss and pile up effects. Images can be recorded at acquisition times down to the minimum frame times of the Zeiss LSM 880. Importantly, the system makes no compromises in terms of time resolution, time channel width, time channel number, or pixel number. The IRF width with fast detectors is less than 25ps FWHM, and images are recorded with typically 1,024 time channels per pixel. The time channel width can be made as small as 0.8 ps.


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