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B&W Tek has launched the TacticID-1064, a handheld Raman analyser for real-time identification of suspicious and unknown substances in the field.

The TacticID-1064 is especially advantageous in measuring difficult street samples such as mixed narcotics, explosives, and hazardous materials. It is based on an advanced third-generation 1,064nm technology, which is a magnitude better in fluorescence elimination, lower level of detection, and provides a much faster response time. It also allows for safe and direct measurement of darker substances.

The TacticID-1064 has a large and comprehensive on-board library included but also allows users to create and import customised libraries. Easy touch screen operation or navigation using hardware buttons gives users the flexibility to operate the instrument regardless of the circumstances. The system comes equipped with an on-board camera to capture evidence photos at the scene that are included in the test report, which can be exported directly onto a USB drive for convenience. The TacticID-1064 displays both GHS and NFPA704 chemical safety information, giving additional actionable data.


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