Future Photonics Hub Industry Day

The Future Photonics Hub Industry Day will be taking place on day 1 of the UK Semiconductors conference, which will be held in person this year on the 12th and 13th of July 2023, at Sheffield Hallam University, UK.
The EPSRC-funded Future Photonics Hub helps the industry access the latest photonics innovation. Through the Hub's engagement with a large network of external companies, it aims to provide businesses access to leading researchers who spend time understanding the challenges they face and where next-generation photonics can have an impact on their organisation. These companies represent strategic UK sectors including telecommunications, healthcare, defense and aerospace. The Industry Day will showcase these collaborations and explore how to develop further interactions. More information about the Future Photonics Hub can be found at their website: https://www.photonicshubuk.org/.
Phil Buckle Research Communication Competition
The Phil Buckle Research Communication Competition, organised by the IOP Semiconductor Physics Group, is open to all PhD students attending the conference to give a 3 minute presentation outlining your PhD research suitable for a non-specialist audience. Cash prizes are awarded to the winning presentations. Places in the competition are limited so please indicate your interest in entering the competition during your conference registration or by email to info@uksemiconductors.com. For more details see the conference website https://uksemiconductors.com/