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HIPPO 1064-27 and Explorer 532-2 lasers

Newport Corporation's Spectra-Physics Lasers Division has launched two Q-switched diode-pumped solid state (DPSS) lasers with improved cost-per-watt for photovoltaic manufacturing applications. 

Both new models, the HIPPO 1064-27 and the Explorer 532-2, deliver up to twice the average power for over 50 per cent higher watts-per-dollar, compared to previous versions. The lasers are based on the company's rugged, industrial OEM product platforms, with time-tested and proven performance for 24/7 operation. Both new lasers deliver higher throughput and increased savings for photovoltaic manufacturing.

The HIPPO 1064-27 laser delivers over 27W of infrared average power at 100kHz or almost 60 per cent higher power. The new Explorer 532-2 delivers up to 2W of green average power or double the power within the same compact footprint. Both lasers feature short pulse width to minimise heat-affected zones, reduce kerf height and recast material. The exceptional pulse-to-pulse stability provides consistent scribe quality. The lasers also exhibit excellent beam quality for narrow scribe line widths and increased depth-of-focus, delivering greater yield efficiency for photovoltaic manufacturers. The fixed polarisation of these lasers helps simplify optical system design requirements, minimising effort and expense to the end user.


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