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Manufacturing future proof; Avantes Automates

Over the last years, we’ve seen the photonics market grow exponentially. More and more companies, researchers, and Original Equipment Manufacturers begin to see the benefits of applying photonics, including spectroscopy, in their application. Even the European Commission recognizes photonics as a key enabling technology of the 21st century.

It is no surprising news for Ger Loop, product manager at Avantes. “Spectroscopy is an amazing technique which can be applied in many markets and industries. We see that reflected in the increasing number of spectrometers we produce each year. That is one of the reasons we upgraded our manufacturing process to be completely future proof. We go from manual production to automated manufacturing, or how we like to call it “AvaMation”.

Automated production, completely future proof

There is a worldwide increasing demand for spectrometers. More and more customers purchase in large volumes, which means that the performance of each spectrometer must be exactly the same. 'When, for example, a customer integrates a spectrometer in-line at their production facility, they naturally want the same performance at a facility in another location,' Ger explained.

'Historically our spectrometers are assembled by hand with great precision and expertise, but we are now able to automate a large part of this process. This way of manufacturing provides unsurpassed inter-instrument reproducibility and scalability in production. We decided to innovate this process to increase our efficiency and precision, to be ready for a future with an increasing demand of spectrometers,' he added.

Invest in the future

A future-proof manufacturing process isn’t the only thing Avantes is working on. 'We continuously invest in the future, company-wide, not only when it comes to our manufacturing. Innovating, together with our customers, is an important belief within our company. That’s why we invest in in-house application know-how. Our sales team, for example, contains of engineers and physicists with specific knowledge of the areas our customers operate in. Thanks to all this in-house knowledge, we can optimally guide and serve our customers with their application challenges.'

Avantes believes in a partnership approach to tailor their solutions to meet the needs of the end user's application. 'Of course we deliver our standard portfolio products, but we can go the extra mile. We are passionate about the success of our customers. That’s why we follow a discovery journey with spectrometer integrating customers to ensure we create their most suitable setup, together. After that process, our engineers and support team work collaboratively to ensure successful integration and maximum interoperability. A valuable asset of Avantes in my opinion, which will only grow stronger now we changed to automated manufacturing,' Ger concluded.

About Avantes

Avantes is a leader in the field of fibre optic spectroscopy offering a range of spectrometers, light sources, fibre optics, software, and accessories to support measurements in the range from 170-2500nm. With nearly 30 years of experience in the spectroscopic field, Avantes is equipped to meet the challenges presented by the applications of their customers.

Need help in finding your ideal measurement setup? Avantes offers free feasibility studies, technical advice, and demo material to make sure you’ll find exactly what you need. 

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