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PDl 808 Sepia II; Picoharp 300; PicoTa

PicoQuant has introduced its latest product developments: the computer-controlled multichannel diode laser PDL 808 Sepia II; the PicoHarp 300, a high-end TCSPC Module with USB 2.0 interface; and the PicoTA, an amplified pulsed diode laser system at 780nm and 1060nm, which is also available as a frequency-doubled version at 530nm.

PicoQuant also released four new picosecond pulsed LEDs at 280nm, 295nm, 310nm and 340nm, to complete the range of pulsed LED sources already available from 370 to 600nm.

In a close collaboration with Olympus, PicoQuant now offers a fluorescence lifetime and FCS upgrade kit for laser scanning microscopes, including comprehensive data analysis software for FLIM, FRET, FCS and many more.


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