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SmartTable OTS Optical Table System

Newport Corporation has released its SmartTable OTS optical table system. 

This latest vibration isolation system combines the performance and value of Newport’s patented SmartTable optical table family with a new isolation platform that features integrated accessories which maximise comfort and optimise laboratory space, organisation and safety. 

It is a solution for a wide range of applications including laser microscopy, optical trapping and more critical applications like CEP (Carrier-Envelope Phase) studies or STED Imaging.

The OTS platform integrates Newport’s I-1250 pneumatic isolator with a new rigid frame design to deliver an isolation platform with superior isolation performance and unmatched accessories. 

The SmartTable OTS platform is also an optical table system that is field upgradeable with four levels of table performance and three isolation options. In addition, it offers more unique accessories than other isolation platform. Each of these unique accessories is integrated with the system’s frame to provide exceptional mobility, maximise space efficiency, and reduce total cost of ownership.


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